Our website is in the process of being rebuilt and things may now work fully yet. Check out our new website project progress.
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Site Information

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This site is currently under development. The project page for updating our website is here.

A goal of this website is to incorporate some of HTML and CSS projects from the CoderDojo and Raspberry Pi projects page.

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Our Site

Site Information
  • The pages are all written in HTML and CSS with a little bit of javascript.
  • The website code is stored in a Github repository.
  • Every time our main website repository is updated, our website is built and deployed to Vercel (our current web hosting company).
  • The mentor form uses an AWS API endpoint to run an AWS Lambda function to email the carrickonshannondojo@gmail.com address and the address supplied by the user. While the AWS hosted part is quite an advanced concept, the API utilizes a standard HTML post to submit the data.

All Ninjas are welcome to help with our site and submit changes and updates.

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Our Forms

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How our Contact Form Works:

Our form is a very simple interface to an API we setup on AWS.

  • We have an AWS API Gateway that our contact form will POST the form contents to.
  • The API uses the REST protocol and if the POST request has all the required data, it will forward the data received within the AWS Cloud to an AWS Lambda function.
  • An AWS Lambda Function is Amazon's serverless technology. You pay for the amount of time a piece of code takes to execute. They have a very generous free tier limit that should meet our needs without incurring costs.
  • The Lambda creates a very small server on AWS using AWS Linux and applies a layer with Nodemailer. It then executes a small piece of Javascript code that will import Nodemailer, format the data received into an email, and sends that email to the Coder Dojo champion and the email address entered.
  • This should all take approximately one and a half seconds given 128Mb of memory. If it takes more than 5 seconds it will fail and no emails will be sent. This is yet to happen and should appear in our logs if it does.
  • We use an Outlook.com mailbox specifically for the contact us form and our Lambda function connects to it over SMTP using Nodemailer for sending the email.
  • Once the email is sent, the SMTP response is passed back from the Lambda function to the API Gateway.
  • The API Gateway will return a response and the connection should be closed.
  • Everything processed by the Lambda function is destroyed, the only copy of the form data should be the email sent to our champion and the email sent to the sent to the address entered in the form.
  • We will have a log of the processing of the Lambda function and the API gateway HTTP log of the connection to our API.

Things to fix:

  • The form lacks validation. This means we are not checking the data entered is valid and if an incorrect email address is entered, the notification will not be sent.
  • Responses and errors handling not right.
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Content Licences

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Content Licences

  • This site is open source and a public project. Feel free to examine the code and reuse any bits you like.
  • We support an open web and endeavour to only use images on our site that are in the public domain.
  • The use of the CoderDojo logo and branding is only available to active CoderDojo branches.

We thank all the programmers and content creators out there sharing their work freely with everyone.

  • A big thank you to the people at the CoderDojo who created the resource packs containing the majority of our site images.
  • We use some very nice icons from Lucide provided under an MIT licence.
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