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Privacy Policy

Last updated: March 2024

Website Cookies

  • Our website does not use cookies, fingerprinting or tracking of any kind.
  • Our website address (or URL) is carrickdojo.com and we link to lots of other sites that other people are in charge of.

Our website does not ask about cookies or ask any data questions because we do not use cookies or track our website visitors.

We have links to lots of other websites and useful internet resources. Every website has their own policies on what they collect about their visitors and how they use it.

If the website address changes, you are on a different website and they will have different privacy policies.

Website Forms

  • We provide a way for people to get in touch through our website on the contact page.
  • The forms is an iFrame (a window of another webpage) to a Microsoft Form.
  • As a member of the Microsoft Tech for Social Change program, we are able to avail of enterprise services as a non-profit organisation.

Visitors can send us messages and contact us; and we need to tell people how we handle any data they send us.

Data submitted in our website forms gets us using Microsoft services, computers and website. We setup the questions and how to manage the response, but all the coding and computer systems are managed by Microsoft.

Website Audience

  • This is an Irish website that is intended to be accessed by children and follows the Irish Data Commissioners Fundamentals for a Child-Oriented Approach to Data Processing.
  • We have attempted to write this site in a concise, transparent, intelligible and accessible way, using clear and plain language that is comprehensible and suited to people of all ages including young children.

It is important that everyone's personal data is handled properly; however there are extra rules for safeguarding children.

We want people to know we are going to use the strictest rules around privacy for our site as we know lots of our visitors will be children and Ninjas.

We try to explain our site, how it works and our policies using clear and simple words and language.

Data Processors

Name of Subprocessor Description of Processing Location of Processing Our Use
Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud Hosted Infrastructure Ireland Website API and Serverless Functions
Vercel Content Delivery Service EU Website Hosting
Github Git Hosting EU Git Hosting
HostingIreland Hosting Services Ireland Domain registrar
Google Technical Services EU GMail account

A data processor is a company or service we store information with or in some way, they handle our data.

If we store any data on other people, we need to make sure everyone who handles the data applies the rules, and the owners of the data are fully informed.

Data Processing and Retention

  • We believe in data minimisation, that is we aim to collect as little data as possible.
  • Any data processed by CarrickDojo is solely for the operation of the Dojo and processed under Article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR (COMPLIANCE WITH A LEGAL OBLIGATION) and /or under Article 6(1)(d) of the GDPR (VITAL INTEREST) specifically the Children First Act 2015 of Ireland.

We really don't want to capture personal data as there are lots of rules on how we need to protect it.

Here we are telling people we will follow all the rules as laid out in the European General Data Protection Regulations and as a Coder Club for children, there are Irish laws aimed to protect children that require us to keep some records.

Any concerns or questions with regard to how CarrickDojo process information can be discussed with our Champion or a mentor; alternatively, please email us requesting a callback on data processing.